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What is moja global?

moja global is a collaboration under the Linux Foundation that aims for the widest possible collaboration on and use of credible tools to better manage the land sector. The flagship software is the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), a tool to estimate emissions and sinks of greenhouse gasses from forestry and agriculture.

Why moja global?

Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time. Globally, more than 25% of the greenhouse gasses emissions are caused by the land use, mainly agriculture and forestry. But plants are also the easiest way to take CO2 out of the atmosphere again. So while land use is now part of the problem, we want to make it part of the solution. Before we can better plan and monitor land management, we have to start with better measurements.

Measuring emissions and sinks from land use is notoriously difficult and developing tools to estimate these sinks and emissions is expensive and requires specialised expertise. Through global collaboration between scientists and coders, moja global reduces the cost and increase the quality of the software that can estimate emissions and sinks from land use.

Overview of the technical design and development