Coach or Train New Contributors
- Ensure Contributors know that you are a Coach
- Ensure you have a track record that proves you know the repository, its purpose and contents well
- Ensure you have already claimed credit for your work in the past
- Add your name to Coaches in the README document by copying your avatar and name from the all-contributors section and pasting it under the Coaches header
- Submit a Pull-Request with your proposed changes
- Ensure Contributors know that you are an Ambassador
- Ensure you have a track record that proves you know the repository, its purpose and contents well, that you have gained credit as a Coach and that you have experience in delivering training
- Ensure you have already claimed credit for your work in the past
- Add your name to Ambassadors in the README document by copying your avatar and name from the all-contributors section and pasting it under the Ambassadors header
- Submit a Pull-Request with your proposed changes
Coaches are experienced coders or scientists or users who are available to work shoulder to shoulder with new coders, users, or contributors
Ambassadors are experienced coders or scientists or users who are available to provide training to groups of new coders, users, or contributors