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GitHub automatically records all contributions to code and md-documents under the Insights/Contributors tab.

In addition, moja global is using the All Contributors Bot to recognize all contributors for a wide range of possible contributions.

But if you would like to be recognized, please blow your own trumpet by follow the steps below:

  1. After making your contribution (submitting your pull-request, replying to a question, resolving an issues, etc.) add the following sentence in a comment
    @all-contributors please add <@username> for <contributions>
  2. <@username> can be any person or organisation with a GitHub account
  3. <contributions> can be any word from this list but the bot will also use basic Natural Language Parsing to determine your contribution intent.
  4. Submit your comment
  5. The Allcontributors Bot will submit a pull-request to include <@username> in the list of contributors
  6. Once the pull-request is accepted by the maintainer of the repository, <@username> will be added to the list of contributors for the suggested <contribution>.