Before starting a new project, review whether an existing project already is implementing your idea:
All projects are listed in the “Project” tab of the moja global root directory
Please also review the existing repositories as not all may be listed under the “Project” tab
Finally, have a look at the Strategic Plan for this year, if you idea is listed a project will be in preparation
If your project idea already exists, please join forces with those already active. Else (i.e. your project does not exist) proceed with the next step.
Build on what already exists:
If you can build on code that is already available, coordinate your project with the maintainers of the relevant repository by requesting a new feature
If there is no existing code base to start from, Create a Repository even if you are not part of the moja global organisation (yet)
Create a project board to track and update your work
If you are a part of the moja organisation use the project list under .github.
If you are not (yet) part of the moja global organisation, use the project list in your repository. You can notify the wider moja global community by opening an issue under .github informing that you have started a new project.
Nest your team into the right parent team, i.e. the repository team for new projects or the moja-global team for new repositories
Assign roles: scientists, coders, editors, maintainers (for code and science), etc. Try to have at least 2 persons for each role to avoid overloading your team.
Science Design
If your project has any scientific component, you will need to have a science design for your project.
If your project is revising or adding to an existing module, the original Science Design can be revised.
Follow these steps: The processes for both developing new or revising existing Science Designs are the same.